Venture Capitals
Finance laboratory
A workshop dedicated to share and experiment financial culture, realized in collaboration with InnoVits, the no profit entrepreneurship laboratory at MIP, the Business School of Politecnico di Milano University.
From theory to practice
The project aims to explore the themes of company valuation with a practical approach. Startups become a means of analysis and understanding of financial issues traditionally confined to theory and university classrooms.
Learn from the experience of those who have done it
A path in which we will collect the experience of managers who have developed new business units in established companies or entrepreneurs who have started from scratch, creating an iterative process that has seen them engaged, on several occasions, in the phase of internal financing and external capital raising.
There are many questions to which we will try to respond by enhancing concrete experiences and depth:
- Crowdfunding, business angels, venture capital, private bankers, family officers: which financing channel is the most appropriate depending on the nature and stage of development of the project?
- Who are the investors interested in becoming partners in venture companies?
- What are their expectations and motivations?
- What is their appetite for risk?
- How long should they hold the shares? How long are they willing to do so?
- How to present their funding project to potential investors?
- How to manage the interaction with partners during the stages of the project development roadmap?
Why patronage
The participation in business development stems from a wide variety of personal and strategic motivations. Patronage has a centuries-old tradition as a tool to support the development of creativity.
Some patrons, such as the Medici family of Florence, used artistic patronage to “cleanse” wealth that was perceived as ill-gotten through usury. Art patronage was especially important in the creation of religious art. The Roman Catholic Church and later Protestant groups sponsored art and architecture, as seen in churches, cathedrals, painting, sculpture and handicrafts.
The goal of the project is to collect around new venture initiatives the interest of those who want to explore and experience financial issues with the experimental and experiential approach of the business laboratory.